TDS SOAP WebService & WSDL reference

TDS version at the time of this document : soft_6817_g12

TDS software is provided with a SOAP Webservice intended to deliver automated data transfer to/from external systems.

The WSDL URL is where is your TDS server URL (note that sometimes TDS in installed in a subdirectory)

The SOAP Webserver URL is

Note that the WSDL contains a server URL that is different from your server's URL (because the WSDL is generic). So use the appropriate endpoint in your application

Access limitation

Access to most of the SOAP service are password protected. See the related challenge/password documentation for more information on that topic.



Functions reference

"ping" function

This basic function requires no authentication. It allows to check connectivity with the server.

The parameter sent in the call is returned in the answer plus some version information


"check_access" function

This function allows access control verification.

When starting to use this Webservice, it is advised to use this function to test the challenge_password algorithm

Please read the documentation regarding the calculation of the challenge/challenge_password


  • dossier_id : TDS dossier
  • username : TDS username
  • challenge : challenge, see TDS Challenge/password documentation
  • challenge_password

note: The user must have visualisation rights in the specified dossier.

This function returns an integer. If this value is 0 or <0 then there is an error. If the value is >0 then access is granted. 


"add_data_file" function

This function is intended to be used by external software or hardware (other than TRMC datalogger for example) to transmit new data files to the server.


  • dossier_id : TDS dossier
  • username : TDS username
  • challenge : challenge, see TDS Challenge/password documentation
  • challenge_password
  • source : source identifier
  • utc_datetime ( for example "20150124081722")
  • content : file

note: The user must have manage rights in the specified dossier.



"gaz_corrector" function

This function returns instantaneous values read for a gaz corrector. For profil values, use the gaz_corrector_profil function


  • dossier_id : TDS dossier
  • username : TDS username
  • challenge : challenge, see TDS Challenge/password documentation
  • challenge_password
  • corrector_snr : Gaz corrector serial number
  • t0 : 32-bit integer. UNIX timestamp of the interval start
  • t1 : 32-bit integer. UNIX timestamp of the interval end
  • limit : maximum number of values to be returned. 0 = no limit
  • sort : "ASC" or "DESC" 

note: The user must have visualisation rights in the specified dossier.



The function will return a list of elements. Each element has fields.

  • timestamp : 32-bit integer. UNIX timestamp of the value
  • v_norm : Normalized gaz volume
  • v_norm_tot : Total normalized gaz volume
  • v_meas : measurement index (usually meter index)
  • pressure : gaz pressure (usually expressed in bar)
  • tgaz : gaz temperature




"gaz_corrector_profil" function

This function returns profil information that is automatically stored in the gaz corrector. Hourly values


  • dossier_id : TDS dossier
  • username : TDS username
  • challenge : challenge, see TDS Challenge/password documentation
  • challenge_password
  • corrector_snr : Gaz corrector serial number
  • t0 : 32-bit integer. UNIX timestamp of the interval start
  • t1 : 32-bit integer. UNIX timestamp of the interval end
  • limit : maximum number of values to be returned. 0 = no limit
  • sort : "ASC" or "DESC" 

note: The user must have visualisation rights in the specified dossier.



The function will return a list of elements. Each element has fields.

  • timestamp : 32-bit integer. UNIX timestamp of the value
  • delta_v_norm : Normalized gaz volume consumption
  • delta_v_norm_tot : Total normalized gaz volume consumption
  • delta_v_meas : measurement index (usually meter index) consumption
  • pressure : gaz pressure (usually expressed in bar)
  • tgaz : gaz temperature




"get_equipment_communication_information" function

This function is intended to be used by external software or hardware that fetch data from devices (meters, dataloggers,...). This function will return a list of devices matching several criterion that must be interrogated.



  • dossier_id : TDS dossier
  • username : TDS username
  • challenge : challenge, see TDS Challenge/password documentation
  • challenge_password
  • select_interface : Usually "tcp_pull". Selects only specific "equipements" with this type of interface
  • select_interface_config. More specific filter on the "interface config" parameter. (MySQL LIKE %%). Empty if not used
  • t0 : 32-bit integer. UNIX timestamp.
  • t1 : 32-bit integer. UNIX timestamp. (t1=0 => t0, t1 not used)

note: The user must have manage rights in the specified dossier.

This function selects all the "equipments" that match the selected "interface" and "interface config". t0 and t1 define a time range. Only the devices that are within this time range will be displayed. Next communication time must be >=t0 and <t1. If t1=0, then t0 and t1 are not used

Only "active" devices are returned.



The function will return a list of elements. Each element has fields.

  • snr: equipment serial number
  • model :equipment model
  • manufacturer : equipment manufacturer
  • interface_option : parameters configured (see TDS)
  • next_com : UNIX timestamp of the next planned communication



"Interface config" is a convenient way to configure the communication. You can create your own software for example and specify "protocol=MY_OWN_SOFTWARE". Call then get_equipment_communication_information() and specify select_interface_config "protocol=MY_OWN_SOFTWARE" to get the device that you must interrogate






"values" function

This function returns "measure_values" values. The data are related to a measurement_set and a media. A time interval is specified with t0 and t1. 



  • dossier_id : TDS dossier
  • username : TDS username
  • challenge : challenge, see TDS Challenge/password documentation
  • challenge_password
  • measurement_id : 32-bit integer. Measurement_set identifier as used in the "manage" page of TDS
  • t0 : 32-bit integer. UNIX timestamp. Timestamp of the start of the selected time range
  • t1 : 32-bit integer. UNIX timestamp. (t1=0 => t0, t1 not used).  Timestamp of the end of the selected time range
  • limit : 32-bit integer : Maximal number of values to be returned. 0 = return all values
  • sort : string indicating the data sorting. Can be either "ASC" or "DESC"
  • media : 8-bit unsigned integer, indicating the media to select (0=water, 1=gas,...)
  • manufacturer : 8-bit unsigned integer. Specify 255.

note: The user must have visualisation rights in the specified dossier of the measurement_set




The function will return a list of elements. Each element has fields.

  • timestamp : UNIX timestamp of the measurement
  • value : floating point value



"index" function

This function returns "measure_index" values. The data are related to a meter (identified by its serial number) and a media. A time interval is specified with t0 and t1. 



  • dossier_id : TDS dossier
  • username : TDS username
  • challenge : challenge, see TDS Challenge/password documentation
  • challenge_password
  • snr : string. Meter identifier
  • t0 : 32-bit integer. UNIX timestamp. Timestamp of the start of the selected time range
  • t1 : 32-bit integer. UNIX timestamp. (t1=0 => t0, t1 not used).  Timestamp of the end of the selected time range
  • limit : 32-bit integer : Maximal number of values to be returned. 0 = return all values
  • sort : string indicating the data sorting. Can be either "ASC" or "DESC"
  • media : 8-bit unsigned integer, indicating the media to select (0=water, 1=gas,...)
  • manufacturer : 8-bit unsigned integer. Specify 255.

note: The user must have visualisation rights in the specified dossier of the measurement_set




The function will return a list of elements. Each element has fields.

  • timestamp : UNIX timestamp of the measurement
  • value : floating point value