Battery-powered remote transmission is our speciality
"We can only improve what we measure !"

Everything that can be measured, we transmit it to you remotely so that it can be consulted and exported from a web page

Some examples: water level or quality probe, rain gauge, gas meter, heat meter, electricity meter, water meter, door opening detector, humidity and air temperature sensor, and many more!

Tetraedre develops and sales remote data transmission solutions, especially for battery powered applications, in the following fields.

Swiss Made
Production takes place at our factory of Auvernier, in the canton of Neuchâtel
Tetraedre ships globally
From hardware to software, Tetraedre gives you the benefit of its complete technical workmanship
Tetraedre's products can be interfaced with several manufacturers of probes, sensors and meters
Full or partial
Should you only need one probe or a remote transmitter or the whole chain with access to your data through a secure web page, Tetraedre provide everything you need
If you already have a server, Tetraedre can export data to it, in various formats
Tetraedre has extensive know-how and as we are a direct manufacturer, it is possible to adapt the products to your specific needs
Tetraedre produces devices which consume very little energy and which run for many years on battery
Radio technologies
Tetraedre offers products with wired Ethernet or fiber optic connection but also devices working with SIM cards, Wireless M-BUS OMS or LoRa