We offer you to follow exactly the consumption of gas of your customers. It is possible to record, for example every hour, the flow of gas of the consumers. You can so discover the profile of consumption of your customers, read meters, do automatic billing, save money and buy the gas at right price. Our system works on battery during several years.
Thanks to Tetraedre, you can check the smooth running of your network and act quickly in case of problem. You know almost in live the pressure, the temperature and the flow in your gas network. We also offer measurement systems of the pressure with high speed. Our system works on battery during several years.
Our datalogger TRMC-19 with an extension card allows to read two correctors of gas (Elster EK260, Itron Corus, Tritschler VC2). This system reads the serial numbers as well as the various indexes (normalized volume nV, volume of service, coefficient of conversion) but also the curves of consumption, that means the consumption hour per hour.
Our system works on battery during several years.
Tetraedre has developed intrinsic safety barriers to allow to connect a TRMC, a PC or another equipment with a meter situated in the zone Ex 1 or the zone 2. These barriers are certified "EX". They have 4 independent analog/digital channels. It is thus possible to transmit digital or analog data through these barriers. These barriers are passive and do not require any power supply.
Tetraedre proposes a software, TDS, who registers all the data sent by the TRMC. It is a system which works through a Web page. Easy to use and friendly, you can export the data under graphical form for example, and modify remotely the parameters of devices installed on the ground.
The software can send e-mails of alarm as well as reports containing the daily measures taken by modules.
If necessary, TDS system can be installed on the server of the customer.