Main buttons

The top of the page contains the mention "TDS.visualisation" to reference the section. Graphs and data cannot be changed in this section. It is only a display of the measures.

At the top left, we find a possible list of files, with a different color for the current file.

The button "changer paramètres" allows to change the language of the site and the password (this option is not always available).

In light brown, we see the name of one or several MODULES. These modules are defined by the administrator of file. They contain different information (graphs, texts, buttons) which are displayed on the right. The content of modules is freely defined by the administrator. You can add for example a module "Counting" which will allow you to display values. choose simply the meter to be read and you will obtain one meter per page.

You can also add a module "Invoicing" which will allow you to follow the remote meters and to make easily your invoicing. You so have a single view with all the measures.

The page "View"(Visualisation) can be personalized according to your needs and your desires.

On the left, we find the display calendar. By clicking on the symbols '<' and '>' in the black bar, we can change the month. We can then choose one day of the month by clicking directly on the calendar. To choose a specific date it is necessary to click the wished day (for example on June 1st) and to click "jour".

It is also possible to enter a date directly in the field, with the format: YYYY-MM-JJ (year 4 digits, month 2 digits, day 2 digits). This date corresponds to T0, it means that the display will begin at this date. Whether you choose a date or an interval of time, the TDS will always show until the most recent date. Below date, we can also choose the time zone. In central Europa, choose GMT+1 for winter time and GMT+2 for summer time. Buttons "day", "week", "month" allow to choose the displayed time. Every time you change a parameter in this zone you have to click "Update" so that the information updates.