TDS is a software which allows you to read the remote data of your TRMC. We will see below the part TDS.manage which will allow you to change the parameters of your devices but also to modify your graphs according to your convenience, to add or to delete the starting of a device. For that, you just have to go to
The top of the page contains the mention " TDS.manage " to reference the section. The section " Manage " allows to change the parameters of the system. All the information which are under tds.manage is on the server Tetraedre. It is possible to put the data on a private server so that the data remain confidential. For security reasons, after several minutes of inactivity on the server, this one will disconnect you, it will be necessary then to log you again.
Above on the left, you will find in grey the list of your folders (if you have several folders). The selected folder will appear in pink. On the right, at the top in grey, there is the information concerning your folder. You will find the folder's number, the company's name, the display mode (way that the device has to handle the data. The display mode must not be modified), the latitude and the longitude of the position of the TRMC. Thanks to the button "edit" you can change at any time this information.
Under the grey part, you will find the " List of 'measurement_set' ". This section is very important. Indeed, it allows the system to know what to do with the data received by a TRMC. If some measurement set are already created, you will see then a chart indicating a number preceded by one # and the name of the relative measurement set. In the opposite case, simply click on "create a measurement set" to register the parameters of the measurement set of the recently installed device.
The number preceded by one # is a unique number, which is connected to the TRMC. Thanks to this connection, the system knows how it has to handle the data and it knows the calculations to be made according to the parameters of the TRMC.
Under " List of user rights " you will find the persons who have access to your folder. It is possible to add or to delete a person in the list. For that click "delete" or " Create rights user ".
You will find in this section the measurement set not connected to a specific device. It means that the measurements set are located close to our devices. The place of the measurement set are represented by the coordinates X and Y.
In the list under measurement_set, you can click on "View" to see the coordinates of the measurement set and if necessary to delete the taken measures. To change the coordinates, the name and details of a measurement set, click under "Modify". When you made the necessary modifications, click then "Update" to update the new data.
You will find the location of the measurement set on a map or a plan ( see the sub-section " measurement_set location on the map "). At this location, it is possible to move the measurement set on map or on the plan.
All the equipment used for your project is in a list under this section. It is possible to add a device by clicking on " Create a TRMC " or a component by clicking on " Create an equipment ". For your information as soon as a device is installed, it is necessary to add it in this list. As you can see we distinguish the TRMC from the other measuring devices which can be connected.
By clicking on the section " Physical Contexts ", you will find the list of all the TRMC which are or were put in operation for your project. The green dots represent the active TRMC, the blue dots represent the inactive TRMC which are not any more on your place of measurement.
The physical context is the representation of the installation of a TRMC which makes measures at a given location, for a while. We see then that the device is connected, where it is and how long it makes the measures.
The physical context is very important for the follow-up of your measures. Go to " view ". A new page opens with several sections. This page is a kind of summary of your measurement system. Under "Details" you can see the current physical context of your TRMC. The start date indicates the date which the device was put in operation. Generally there is no end date mentioned as far as it is about a TRMC in function. Parser, Validation and Conversion mode are settings by default that you should not modify. "User description" indicates the location of the TRMC. If you wish to modify the physical context, click on "Modify the physical context". You will make here only small changes which do not influence the measures. For example, a change of name, of description. You can also change the date and the start time of the starting of the installation.
For all other changes, an additional operation is necessary.
Indeed, it is imperative that the physical context of your TRMC matches to the reality of the ground. If a parameter on the ground is changed or if you move your TRMC or a probe which makes the measures, it is then necessary to modify the physical context accordingly. It is very important "to close" the physical context which is no more valid and to open a new context. For that click on "close & clone"
" Close and Clone " allows you to close a physical context which is not current any more and to open antoher one, the same, by being able to change the required parameters. You so avoid recreating all the parameters of the installation. The calculations of the measures will be adapted to the reality of the ground and the data received by the TRMC will be handled correctly by TDS.
To understand well the application and the use of the physical contexts, here is an example. Suppose that you have a probe pressure on a site which allows you to measure the water level in a pond. You have then a physical context A. This one has its own parameters that is the probe is at a depth of X meters. TDS is then going to calculate the water level according to the value x and of the pressure, which is a fixed value (10.2). If you move the probe and that this one is at a depth Y, the calculation of the physical context A will not be valid any more because one of the parameters will have been changed. It is just enough to close and to clone (close & clone) the physical context and to modify the value of the depth of the probe (new value Y) and TDS will recalculate the water level according to this new parameter.
Naturally when a TRMC is uninstalled, it is also necessary to removed it from service on TDS. Click then simply "Close". So, the TRMC will not appear any more on TDS and no more message towards the user will be sent.
" Equipment of context " includes all the material which is installed for the good running of your measures. You can also change these elements, install of the material or modify the parameters of the material in function.
Thanks to the mapping, you create a chart which links the various sensors to a measurement set. All the system passes by the mapping. The mapping converts the raw values received by the TRMC in values of measure. Only the handled data are in the mapping. If inadvertently you do not choose the good categories during the creation of your mapping, your graphs will not be representative of the measured values. Indeed, if for example in the category " Tabel input " you choose: acq_pressure instead of acp_temperature, the software is going to operate a calculation of pressure and not of temperature with the received measures.
For users who want only raw values, no mapping ist not necessary, given that the values display directly in the screen and that they can be exported to Excel file.
By clicking Acquisitions (raw values) and then the acquisition relative to your TRMC, you will see then all the measures made by the system. It is about raw measures, which were not handled by the software TDS.
This module presents all the TRMC which connected within as part of your project. You will find a graph, which shows you the number of connections on a timescale. Below the graph, all the TRMC which were configured for your project are listed. In red, are those which are not active any more. In green, they are the active TRMC. You can so read the details of the TRMC of your project, their location, their last connection, etc.
Our system allows to notify in case of battery failure. You can so see under this section the TRMC whose the battery is low. If the message "no low battery" appears, it means that there is no problem.
You have the possibility to create the physical context, the mapping, the measurement set, etc. automatically. This allows you to save time.
Click the section " Installation wizard ". Insert the serial number of the TRMC which is on-site. Mention the date of the installation of the device (for practical reasons, we suggest you to put a date situated two days before the effective date of the installation of the device). Parser, Validation and Conversion mode remain unchanged. Add a brief description and click then on "Create". In a few seconds, you can read graphs linked to your on-site devices.
This section represents the graphs which are under tds.visualisation.
These graphs have a basic configuration, but it is possible to change this configuration. For example, if the scale of the graph does not suit you, you can change it yourself. If you wish to see appearing your graphs in another order, you can reorganize them according to your desires, etc. To make these changes, you just have to click on edit, and to choose the graph where the modification must be made. As you can see, you have three columns. The middle one has the links: "edit", "delete", and " export a XML ". Just click on "edit" and change the values you want.
Some details of the CHART_MEASUREMENT.
You have in the 3rd column of the chart a small description for each attribute. We allow to bring you a precision concerning scales. You can choose 3 types of different scales:
- We indicate the minimum and the maximum scale that is desired: Y_max=30, Y_min=20
- The system adapts the scale according to the measured values: Y_max=0 and Y_min=0
- If we want that the scale begins from 0, it is necessary to set the following configuration: Y_max=1 and Y_min=1
Installation of a TRMC
You just install a TRMC on site; you have to configure it under TDS. Here is the procedure: