Supply/division of water

Tetraedre has developed a system which allows you to improve the management of your resources, to discover the profile of consumption of your customers, to detect leaks and to establish automatic invoicing.

Reading of water meters

Tetraedre gives you the possibility to read remotely your water meters and to be able to make more easily a statement. Thanks to our datalogger (the TRMC-19) multi-manufacturers compatible, all the meters can be read. Indeed, you can connect mechanical meters with impulse output or meters equipped with the GWF Coder system. It is also possible to link the TRMC with electromagnetic flowmeters such as Krohne Waterflux. The TRMC can work also with the radio Wireless M-Bus (OMS) or wired M-Bus. Thanks to the reading of meters, you can know in all simplicity the consumption of your customers and you can better manage your network of water.

Monitoring and network pressure

Thanks to Tetraedre, you check the smooth running of your network and you can act quickly in case of problem. You know almost in live the pressure of the water and the flow at the strategic places of your network..

Water production

The TRMC-5 allows, thanks to analog sensors, a continuous monitoring of the quality and of the flow of the water of the harnessings. You can also follow the variations of conductivity and the turbidity. The TRMC can also send alarms by SMS.

TDS software : your values on the screen

Tetraedre proposes a software, TDS, who stores all the data sent by the TRMC. It is a system which works through a web page. Easy to use and friendly, you can export the data under graphical form for example, and modify remotely the parameters of devices installed on the ground.

The software can send e-mails of alarm as well as reports containing the daily measures taken by modules. The TDS system can be installed on the server of the customer if necessary.